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French Language Certification Course

  • 66 Hrs Training Includes (40 Hrs Training+16 Hrs GD+10 Hrs Exam Prep) at Each Level
  • Master A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Levels of the French Language
  • Enroll now in NSDC International & Henry Harvin® Course to Ace the DELF and DALF Exam

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 4.9 (1583 Ratings) 2129 Learners

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10 in 1 Program
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About the Course

French Language Course

French Language Course designed to comprehend topics and lexis. Moreover, you will learn grammatical concepts to enhance your prowess in the French language. After completion of the course, you will be able to write a variety of texts. NSDC International & Henry Harvin® will assist you in genuinely speaking the French language. Master the French Language and Ace the important French Language Exams such as DILF, DELF, DALF, DCL, & TCF

A1: The Beginners Level- This level deals with the Basic French Vocabulary, Greetings in French, Basic Grammar such as Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Plural, adjectives, and more

A2: The Upper Beginners Level- This Level deals with French Language upper Beginners level, Express a decision, make a comparison, indicate a chronology, express certitude, grammar like Future tenses, Relative pronouns, Comparative/ Superlative Sentences, Adverbs, Demonstrative Pronouns, and more

B1: The intermediate Level -This level deals with the skills like writing, reading, and listening. Candidates will gain skills to be able to structure sentences in the French Language

B2: The Upper Intermediate Level This level deals with extra learning about the French Dialects and Complex Texts. The candidate will gain knowledge to create long speeches in French and smoothly explain complex thoughts

C1: The Advanced Level- This level will equip the candidate with an understanding of longer texts and their implicit meaning. Candidates will learn to express fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions

C2: The Proficiency Level- This level will help the candidates to understand everything that is virtually heard or read. The candidates will be able to summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.

9 in 1 Course

  • Training: Two-way Live Online Interactive Classroom Sessions

             A1: 56+ hours

             A2: 56+ hours

             B1: 66+ hours

             B2: 66+ hours

             C1: 66+ hours

             C2: 66+ hours 

  • Projects: Facility to undergo projects in French Language and Implementation, and more
  • Internship: Internship assistance to gain experiential knowledge of French Language
  • Certification: Get Certification of French Language Training Course from NSDC International & Henry Harvin®, Govt of India recognized & Award-Winning Institute
  • Placement:100% Placement Guarantee assistance for 1-Year post successful completion
  • E-Learning: Access to Abundant Tools and Techniques, video content, assessments, and more
  • Masterclass: Access to 52+ Masterclass Sessions for essential soft skill development
  • Hackathons: Free Access to #AskHenry Hackathons and Competitions
  • Membership: Get 1-Year Gold Membership of NSDC International & Henry Harvin® Language Academy for the French language Training Course

Trainers at NSDC International & Henry Harvin®

  • Most renowned industry veterans with 15+ years of working experience
  • Considerate selection by our training partners and recognized by numerous organizations over the years for their work
  • Have been invited for 100+ Keynote classes for French Course
  • Have delivered 350+ lectures and are currently empaneled as domain experts with NSDC International & Henry Harvin® Language Academy

Gold Membership Benefits

  • Avail 1-Year Gold Membership of NSDC International & Henry Harvin®️ Language Academy that includes E-Learning Access through recorded Videos, Games, Projects, CPDSPe Studies
  • Access to Masterclass Sessions 
  • Earn the Prestigious NSDC International & Henry Harvin®️ Alumni Status and become one of the reputed 3,00,000+ Alumni across the globe Guaranteed Internship with NSDC International & Henry Harvin®️ or partner firms
  • Weekly 10+ job opportunities offered
  • Experience Industry Projects during the training

Learning Benefits

  • Initiate Conversation about Present, future, and past events
  • Explain Habitual action and talk about the memories
  • Describe Feelings and express present and future wishes
  • Learn the basics of Sentence and Word building
  • Express Opinion and argue with people
  • Talk and describe Past events and express Doubts & Probability
  • Make Hypothesis about the past events and explain them
  • Learn extensively about the Advanced French Language Grammar

Recognitions of NSDC International & Henry Harvin® Education

  • Winner of Top Corporate Training Award, Game-Based Learning Company of the under 40 Business World Award
  • Affiliated with American Association of EFL, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, MSME, UKAF, UKCert, Project Management Institute (PMI), and ISO 29990:2010 certified
  • Reviews: 6700+ Google Reviews, 1100+ Youtube Testimonials with 4.5+ Rating Rated on Goabroad, Trustpilot, GoOverseas & more

Career Benefits

  • Exposure to Millions of Jobs Globally in the Arena of French Language Course
  • Distinguish your profile with the Course Completion Certification of French Language Training Course
  • Better Job Security with exceptional growth opportunities
  • Improve your CV & LinkedIn Profile with Technical & Professional development
  • Get Hired by International Brands like Google, Amazon, JP Morgan, and other top brands in the industry
  • Be Highly Paid as a Freelancer or as a full-time Professional after the Successful completion of French Language Training Course
Course Curriculum

Beginners Level- A1


Module 1: Explorer la langue!

In this module, participants will get to know about the language right from the basics.

  • Getting to know about the language
  • Alphabet / Pronounciation
  • Numbers

Module 2: Les Verbes! 

This module will help the candidate to conjugate the verbs and make simple sentences.

  • Introduction to Verbs
  • Verb Group Conjugations

Module 3: La Communication

This module will have the student to get through the basics of basic french communication skills.

  • Greetings
  • Days of the week
  • Months of the Year
  • Colours

Module 4: Construire des phrases

This module will help the candidate with solid sentence-building skills. 

  • Positive and Negative Phrases
  • Adjectives
  • Interrogatives + Possessive + Demonstrative

Module 5: Talents d'orateur

This module will help students to enhance their question-making skills.

  • Question-Making Skills

Module 6: Amélioration des capacités d'écoute et d'écriture

In this module, students will learn how to write an Invitation.

  • Writing an Invitation

Module 7: Base pour module de lecture

In this module, reading will help students to get to know new vocabulary words.

  • Introduction to new vocabulary

Module 8: Les Temps

This module will help students to build strong grammar skills with the help of tenses.

  • Present Tense

In this module, students will get better with some basic tenses which are required to talk to about past events.

  • Past Tense

In this module, students will get better with some basic tenses which are required to talk to about the near future events.

  • Near Future Tense

Module 9: La Comparaison

Making comparisons between tenses!

  • Mixed Grammar Exercises on all tenses

Module 10: Vocabulaire

This module will help students in building a strong vocabulary which will help them in making strong sentences not only in terms of simple phrases but it also help in making dialogues.

  • Family Members / Money / Animals / Shops

Module 11: Degré de comparaison

This is one of the simplest modules yet helpful and important while making comparisons.

  • Comparisions with Adjectives / Verbs / Nouns

Module 12: Présentez - vous

Lastly, this module will help students in introducing themselves with the help of topics learned in the previous units.

  • Introduce


Beginners Level- A2


Module 1: S'améliorer avec les verbes

This module will guide students with new verbs which will help students to get better sentences.

  • Verbs (Revision)

Module 2: Construire une phrase avec les temps

This is one of the most important modules to enhance the statements with the help of tenses.

  • Imparfait (Revision)

This is one of the most important modules to enhance the statements using the past tense.

  • Passé Composé (Revision)

This is one of the most important modules to enhance the statements with the help of a command tense.

  • Impératif

This is one of the most important modules to enhance the statements with the help of the near future tense.

  • Futur Proche

Module 3: Pronoms

This module will help the participants to make sentences without repetition.

  • Complete Direct Object ( COD )

This module will help the participants to make sentences without repetition.

  • Complete Indirect Object ( COI )

Module 4: Discours Rapporté

This module will build speaking skills.

  • Direct / Indirect Speech.

Module 5: La Voix Passive - Active

In this module, students will learn about Active-Passive.

  • Active and Passive Voice.

Module 6: Pronoms

This module will guide students with the french pronouns.

  • Demonstrative Pronouns

This module will guide students with the french pronouns.

  • Possessive Pronouns

This module will guide students with the french pronouns.

  • Interrogative Pronouns

Module 7: Les Temps

This module will make students learn about future tense.

  • Futur Simple!

Module 8: Vocabulaire Générale

This module will build basic vocabulary skills among the student which would ensure better sentence building.

  • General Vocabulary (Revision)

Module 9: Délai et utilisation des connecteurs

This module will help students in adding connectors and adding time frames within the sentences.

  • Connectors.

Module 10: Développer des compétences en communication

This module will build strong communication skills among the students.

  • Dialogue - Making Skills + Monologue.


Intermediate Level- B1


Module 1: Temps

In this module, students will learn the difference between future tenses.

  • Futur Proche

In this module, students will learn the difference between future tenses.

  • Futur Simple

Module 2: Apprentissage avancé

This module will help students in enhancing their grammatical skills.

  • La Causé et La Conséquence

Module 3: Discours Rapporté

This module will make students ensure about the difference between 《 Present 》 and 《 Past 》 reported speech.

  • Direct and Indirect Speech in Présent

Module 4: Temps majeurs

In this module, students will learn the difference between the advice tense and tense which is used to describe memories.

  • Impératif + Imparfait

Module 5: Partage d'expérience passées

In this module, students will learn the difference between the past tenses.

  • Passé Récent + Passé Composé

Module 6: La rédaction de lettres

This module will make students learn how to write a letter in formal and informal language.

  • Letter of Reclamation.

This module will make students learn how to write a letter in formal and informal language.

  • Letter to administration.

Module 7: Exprimer le souhait

This module will make students learn how to express wishes using tense in present and past.

  • Subjonctif Présent

Module 8:  Amélioration des compétences en vocabulaire

In this module, students will learn and work on the enhancement of their vocabulary skills.

  • Internet

Module 9: En savoir plus sur les temps

This module will work more on the enhancement of other tenses.

  • Conditionnel Présent + Passé

Module 10: Améliorer les compétences orales

In this module, participants will improve their speaking skills and will learn how to give their opinion.

  • Participating in a debate.

Module 11: Ajoutet de nouvelles compétences de vocabulaire

In this module, students will learn and some new vocabulary skills.

  • Environment

Module 12: Amélioration du module d'écoute

This module will work on students listening ability to work better with the language.

  • Dictation

Module 13: En savoir plus sur l'écriture

This module will help students to improve their writing skills.

  • Formal + Informal Writing

Module 14: Compétences en communication

In this module, students will get better at communication skills.

  • Dialogue - Making Skills
Intermediate Level- B2


Module 1: Les Temps

In this module, students will learn the basic difference between some important tenses.

  • Plus - Que - Parfait

Module 2: Grammaire

In this module, students will learn about connectors.

  • Conjunctions

Module 3: La Communication

In this module, students will enhance their communication skills by adding new vocabulary in their speaking skills.

  • Talk about Health

Module 4: Exprimer un Souhait / des Désirs

This module will make students learn how to express their wishes, desires, and wants.

  • Subjonctif Présent

Module 5: Parler des Raisons

In this module, students will learn how to talk about the positive and negative impacts.

  • La Cause et Conséquence

Module 6: Expressions 

This module will improvise students language.

  • Dialogue - Making

Module 7: Voix

In this module, students will learn about Active Voice and Passive Voice.

  • Active - Passive Voice!

In this module, students will learn about Opposition and Concession.

  • L' Opposition et La Concession.

Module 8: Entretien

This module will teach module how to prepare for the professional world as it polishes students all the skills

  • Preparing for a professional interview

Module 9: Le Futur

In this module, students will learn the basic difference between all the future tenses.

  • Futur Proche

In this module, students will learn the basic difference between all the future tenses.

  • Futur Simple

In this module, students will learn the basic difference between all the future tenses.

  • Futur Antérieur

Module 10: Exprimer

These students will make students learn about different expressions.

  • La Regret et La Reproche.

Module 11: Les Comparatifs

This module will make students learn how to make comparisons!

  • Les Comparatifs

Module 12: Discours Rapporté

This module will students to explore Direct - Indirect Speech.

  • Discours Rapporté Présent et Passé.

Module 13: Les Paroles

This module will polish the overall skills of the students.

  • Expose
Advanced Level- C1


Module 1: Tout sur les temps!

In this module, students will learn how to give commands!

  • Imperatif !

Module 2: Verbes et Prepositions !

Participants will about the advanced usage of verbs and prepositions!

  • Verbs!

Module 3: Grammaire !

The student will learn about Prefixes in this module.

  • Prefixes.

The student will learn about Suffixes in this module.

  • Suffixes.

The student will learn about frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes in this module.

  • Frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes.

Module 4: Plus de Grammaire

In this module, one will learn about synonyms in this module.

  • Synonyms.

In this module, one will learn about antonyms in this module.

  • Antonyms.

In this module, one will learn about the usage of synonyms and antonyms in this module.

  • Usage of Synonyms and Antonyms.

Module 5: Temps!

Students will learn about Past Tense and its usage in dialogues.

  • Passe Compose.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they would do.

  • Imparfait.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they had already done.

  • Plus-Que-Parfait!

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they are going to do in the near future.

  • Futur Proche.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they " Will " do in the future.

  • Futur Simple.

In this module, students will learn the difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple.

  • Difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple!

This module is about tense, which will enhance the student's language ability.

  • Futur Interieur!

Module 6: Les comparaison entre les temps!

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Passe Compose.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Imparfait.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Plus-Que-Parfait!

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Proche.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Simple.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Anterieur!

Module 7: Les Comparatifs!

This module will teach students to work on Conditional Tense.

  • Conditional Present 

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.

  • Conditionnel Passe!

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.

  • Exercises on Conditionnel Tense !

Module 8: Pronoms!

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • COD

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • COI

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • EN

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • Y

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • Exercises !

Module 9: Les Pronoms Relatif!

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Qui

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Que

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ce qui

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ce que

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ou

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Dont et But

Module 10: Discours!

In this module, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.

  • Direct - Indirect Speech.

In this module, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.

  • Active - Passive Voice.

Module 11: Les Dialogues et Debate!

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate-making ability using advanced language skills.

  • Dialogue - Making.

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate-making ability using advanced language skills.

  • Debate.
















Proficiency Level- C2


Module 1: Tout sur les temps!

In this module, students will learn how to give commands!

  • Imperatif!

Module 2: Verbes et Prepositions!

Participants will about the advanced usage of verbs and prepositions!

  • Verbs!

Module 3: Grammaire!

Students will learn about Prefixes in this module.

  • Prefixes.

Students will learn about Suffixes in this module.

  • Suffixes.

Students will learn about frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes in this module.

  • Frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes.

Module 4: Plus de Grammaire

In this module, one will learn about synonyms in this module.

  • Synonyms.

In this module, one will learn about antonyms in this module.

  • Antonyms.

In this module, one will learn about the usage of synonyms and antonyms in this module.

  • Usage of Synonyms and Antonyms.

Module 5: Temps!

Students will learn about Past Tense and its usage in dialogues.

  • Passe Compose.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they would do.

  • Imparfait.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they had already done.

  • Plus-Que-Parfait!

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they are going to do in the near future.

  • Futur Proche.

In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they " Will " do in the future.

  • Futur Simple.

In this module, students will learn the difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple.

  • Difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple!

This module is about tense, which will enhance the student's language ability.

  • Futur Anterieur!

Module 6: Les comparaison entre les temps!

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Passe Compose.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Imparfait.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Plus-Que-Parfait !

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Proche.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Simple.

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.

  • Futur Anterieur !

Module 7: Les Comparatifs !

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.

  • Conditionnel Present!

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.

  • Conditionnel Passe !

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.

  • Exercises on Conditionnel Tense !

Module 8: Pronoms!

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • COD

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • COI

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • EN

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • v

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.

  • Exercises !

Module 9: Les Pronoms Relatif!

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Qui

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Que

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ce qui

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ce que

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Ou

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.

  • Dont et But

Module 10: Discours!

In this module, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.

  • Direct - Indirect Speech.

In this module, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.

  • Active - Passive Voice.

Module 11: Les Dialogues et Debate!

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate-making ability using advanced language skills.

  • Dialogue - Making.

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate making ability using advanced language skills.

  • Debate.








Complementary Module 1: Soft Skills Development


  • Business Communication
  • Preparation for the Interview
  • Presentation Skills
Complimentary Module 2: Resume Writing


Resume Building Techniques

Training Certification Process


Counselling and Registration

Consult with our counselors to check your eligibility and the right batch, and then Register for the French Language Course


Complete French Language Course

Attend 80 Hours Training for the French Language Course, Appear in the test and achieve the certification


Deliver Projects Assigned

Gather experience with real-world assignments and practical projects to upgrade your existing French Language skills. Deliver these mini-projects to be eligible for NSDC International & Henry Harvin® French Language Certification


Earn French Language Certification

Post-successful completion of the Program, earn NSDC International & Henry Harvin® French Language Certification. Post it on social media, get it framed, and increase your value in the industry

Commonly Asked Questions

How will NSDC International & Henry Harvin®️ certificate help in Immigration & Visa?

NSDC International & Henry Harvin® Certificate has multiple benefits in the Immigration Process:
- Help you gain points in CRS (Comprehensive Ranking Scheme)
- Gives additional points for PR in Canada 
- Help you get Points for migration to Canadian Provinces
- Helps in getting ECA easily 
- Can Easily clear TEF and TEFAQ Exams

Is it mandatory to have prior knowledge of the French language before joining the French B1-B2 course?

Yes, the students should have a beginner level of knowledge about this language because French B1-B2 is an intermediate-level course. It helps you in speaking and writing a complex text if you have a basic understanding of this language.

What is the difference between DELF B1 and B2?

There is no difference between DELF B1 and B2 content-wise. The same subjects are proposed in the DELF junior version and the school exams.

Is French language useful in India?

Learning French not only helps you get a good job in India but also helps you meet various new opportunities in foreign countries. Here are some of the facts that make French worth learning in India. French is the second most widely learned language after English and the sixth most widely spoken language in the world.

What is the scope of French language?

The knowledge to speak French is a career asset for finding a job in various industries. Some of them are travel & tourism, hospitality industry, MNC, BPO, KPO, Embassies, fashion, retailing, automotive, luxury goods, aeronautics, international business, education institutions, and export firms.

Is French in demand?

French, Spanish and German all feature in the top five highest paying languages, and the top five highest in demand languages, offering average yearly salaries of 9,83,769, 9,80,379 and 9,51,375 respectively in December.

Can I quickly complete my french language course?

Ans: You might expect to become somewhat fluent in French in three to six months if you fully immerse yourself in the language.  Of course, complete French immersion can be tough to accomplish because you probably have a full-time life somewhere where French isn't the language people speak.


What are the uses of french learning in tourism?

French is rated as a "category I language" on the FSI scale, which is deemed "more akin to English" than categories III and IV, "hard" or "super-hard" languages. French is one of the simplest languages for a native English speaker to acquire, according to the FSI.

Can I learn French on my own?

Ans: You can learn French independently if you have the correct amount of enthusiasm and commitment, a good learning habit, the right resources, and an effective teaching strategy. It has been noticed throughout time that many people prefer to study a foreign language alone.


Does knowing French help in PR in Canada?

Ans: Language proficiency in either English or French is crucial for your ability to settle in Canada. You can decide whether to put your attention on one or both, learning or improving. The majority speaks both two languages in the region where you want to reside.

Which is the best place to learn French language courses in Delhi?

Ans: NSDC International & Henry Harvin®'s institution in Delhi is the best academy to learn French. They have the best faculties and well-versed syllabus for a French course. Moreover, you will get the certificate from a government-registered institution.


Is learning French worthwhile?

The second most beneficial language in the world for business. You get more intelligent with french learning. French is one of the top ten majors that will most likely result in lower unemployment and increased wages. You become more creative when you attend training in French-speaking countries.


Can I master French in a year?

Ans: And therein lays the actual response to your inquiry. Yes, you can acquire a high level of French proficiency in six months ( For this, you must devote at least 30 hours a week to studying the language), but you won't be able to speak it fluently. You might never speak French fluently at the native level, but that's fine.


What are the top 5 reasons to learn French?

Ans: Ten reasons to study French

  • It is a language for the global employment market and the language of the world.
  • Language is a cultural expression.
  • A language used in travel.
  • A tongue used in higher education
  • French is the second language in international affairs.
  • It helps you to learn a language that widens your horizons.
  • An enjoyable language to learn.

Is B2 fluent in French?

Ans: B2 - Vantage or Upper Intermediate: A user can: Understand the main idea of a complex text or technical piece relevant to his field at this stage in French learning. Can speak with some spontaneity and fluency without it being too difficult for either the student or the native speaker.


Is it worthwhile to study French in India?

Ans: People in India can greatly benefit from learning French. In addition to being the most widely spoken language in Europe, French is also the only one (together with English) spoken on all five continents. You might be interested to know that there are more than 250 million French speakers globally.


Is it possible to learn French for free?

Ans: Here are some popular free ways to learn French: Free Online courses, software, and applications Tandem learning or language exchange with a native speaker Podcasts, TV shows, and movies are examples of media resources.

Which is the best french language course?

The DELF is an official diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to foreign candidates who have achieved a certain level of French proficiency.

Is the French language have any scope in India?

Ans: The ability to communicate in French is a valuable asset for finding work in various industries. Travel and tourism, hospitality, MNCs, BPO, KPO, Embassies, fashion, retailing, automotive, luxury goods, aeronautics, international business, education institutions, and export firms are among them.

Is French difficult to learn?

Ans: According to the FSI scale, French is a "category I language," meaning it is "more similar to English" than categories III and IV, "hard" or "super-hard languages." According to the FSI, French is one of the simplest languages for a native English speaker to learn

Which French exam is acceptable for PR in Canada?

Ans: Francais Evaluation Test (TEF)

TEF, also known as the French Evaluation Test, allows candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in French on immigration or citizenship applications. In fact, it is required in the following circumstances: To immigrate to Canada and obtain Canadian citizenship.


What level of French is required for employment?

Ans: To reach this level, a candidate must have completed at least level B2 at a recognized institution such as Henry Harvin. For jobs such as translator and interpretation, you must go through an interview in which they assess your fluency and understanding of the language in various ways

How difficult is the TEF exam?

Ans: The TEF exam can be difficult to pass for first-time candidates. Much practice is required, and the best way to learn a new language is to use it in everyday situations.

Can B1 level speak French fluently?

Ans: When an aspirant reaches the B1 level of the CEFR, they can: Identify the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly used in work, school, leisure, and so on.


Is it possible to learn the French language in seven months?

Ans: And therein lies the real answer to our question: Yes, you can achieve a high level of French in six months (assuming you study at least 30 hours per week), but you will not achieve native fluency in that time. In fact, you may never achieve native fluency in French, which is fine.

Is B2 French a good choice?

Ans: Upper-Intermediate or Vantage B2: At this level of French learning, a user can: Understand the basic idea of a complex text or technical piece related to his field. Can communicate with fluency and spontaneity without putting either the learner or the native speaker under undue strain.

Is French easier to learn than English?

Ans: French is not as difficult to learn as most people believe, especially when compared to English. In fact, it is a language that is far easier to learn than you might have imagined. When it comes to pronunciation, English is inconsistent.


How much time will it take for me to learn French?

Ans: Learning French requires 575-600 hours of study if you are an English speaker (or 23-24 weeks full-time). The same is true for other European Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish, and so on) and Germanic languages (Danish, Swedish, Dutch/Afrikaans Norwegian - not German). 1

How quickly can I learn the French language?

Ans: Because French is a Category I language, it is relatively straightforward for native English speakers to learn. It will take approximately 580 hours of study time, or 23 weeks, to achieve complete French fluency. You can learn French in 1.5 years if you study for one hour daily.

What is the quickest way to learn French?

10 quick tips for learning French

  • Watch movies. One of the best ways to learn French is to watch films in French with French subtitles.
  • Songs can help you learn French.
  • Read books daily in the French language.
  • Find a companion to talk to in French.
  • Don't be afraid to talk in French and make mistakes to learn it.
  • Take note!
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Enroll in intensive French language courses in Chennai.

Is it possible to learn French B2 in six months?

Ans: You should study at least 2 hours per week to fulfill your goals. Yes, B2 is possible in six months; however, you need exposure to native speakers through TV, films, or radio.

How long is A1 in French?

Ans: Based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), LSF offers five levels of French: A1 level Learn the language: 90 hours in 6 weeks


How long is A1 in French?

Ans: Based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), LSF offers five levels of French: A1 level Learn the language: 90 hours in 6 weeks


How long does a French certificate last?

Ans: Validity period: two years. The Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) is a French language proficiency test for non-native French speakers. France Education International (FEI), the French Ministry of Education, is in charge of this exam.

Is there a test for French?

Ans: The most widely recognized French exams are the DELF and DALF, which cover all levels from A1 to C2. As with the DILF, the first two levels are not particularly useful unless you are interested in obtaining diplomas

What level of French is required for immigration to Canada?

Ans: In Class, for the Canadian Experience, one needs to know writing, listening, and reading abilities in French and English.

How many French levels are there?

Ans: There are six levels of French. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages defines six French levels (CEFR). These levels are denoted by the letters A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The CEFR French levels are widely recognized as the global standard for assessing a person's language proficiency.

How many French levels are there?

Ans: There are six levels of French. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages defines six French levels (CEFR). These levels are denoted by the letters A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The CEFR French levels are widely recognized as the global standard for assessing a person's language proficiency.

How do I obtain French certification in India?

Ans: You can demonstrate your level of French proficiency by passing an international language test (TEF or TCF) or by earning a diploma (DELF or DALF). As these certifications provide job seekers and employees with a competitive advantage, they are an excellent addition to a resume.

Can I learn French independently?

Ans: The first step is to understand French grammar. Buy a good French grammar book to study. Join an online program or a learning website to make grammar learning fun. Enlist a tutor for grammar lessons (try to find a native) Watch online grammar videos on relevant subjects to enhance learning.

Can I master French in three months?

Ans: Even though you won't master it in three months, especially if you can only devote a few hours per week to it, you can be more efficient by developing an initial strategy. First, analyze what you should do during the first hour, day, week, and month of learning French.


Does the DELF certificate expire?

Ans: The DELF and DALF are six distinct diplomas issued by the French Ministry of National Education to certify proficiency in the French language. These diplomas are perpetually valid.


What is the cost of your services?

We are a freemium service provider. Your Profile Evaluation, University Recommendation, SOP/LOR Resume Review and Application Assistance is completely free. You can get the help of our Preminum Counseling Experts in University/course Recommendation refinement, SOP storylining and editing support for a service free. Request a call back to know more.

Is it possible to take the DELF exam online?

Ans: Yes, you can appear for the DELF exam online. The DELF exam preparation online is ideal for students who need the flexibility to study from home and at their own pace. Moreover, those who cannot travel to take a DELF exam preparation course or do not have the financial means to study abroad.

Who is eligible to take the DELF exam in India?

Ans: Candidates must be between the ages of 11 and 17 on the day of the examination to take the DELF. And for Junior. 3.3 DELF Prim examinations are strictly limited to primary school students aged 8 to 12 years old.

Should I take DELF B1 or DELF B2?

Ans: DELF B1 is required to become a naturalized French citizen and to validate specific diplomas; DELF B2 is necessary to enroll in a university program in France.

What is the best French language course in Kolkata?

Ans: The DELF is an official diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to foreign candidates who have achieved a certain level of French proficiency.


Is the French language course in Kolkata have any scope in India?

Ans: The ability to communicate in French is a valuable asset for finding work in various industries. Travel and tourism, hospitality, MNCs, BPO, KPO, Embassies, fashion, retailing, automotive, luxury goods, aeronautics, international business, education institutions, and export firms are among them.

Is the French language difficult to learn?

Ans: According to the FSI scale, French is a "category I language," meaning it is "more similar to English" than categories III and IV, "hard" or "super-hard languages." According to the FSI, French is one of the simplest languages for a native English speaker to learn.

Where is French spoken in India?

French is also an official language in modern-day Pondicherry, which still has a French-speaking population. About 5,500 of the 6,500 French citizens registered in South India reside in Pondicherry

Can French Converse in English?

Only 39% of the French population claims to speak English. The older generation did not need to learn English in school, and the younger generation is somewhat self-conscious due to strict teachers who emphasize grammar over speaking.


Will Two Years Be Enough For Me To Learn the French Language?

Depending on your goals, native language, study method and time, and motivation, you should be able to speak French well within six months to three years. It will take longer if you are enrolled in a secondary school or want to master French completely for a profession such as interpreting.


What are the 5 Advantages of Learning French?

Eight compelling reasons to study French

  • A world language. 
  • A language for the international job market
  • The language of culture
  • A language for travel
  • A language for higher education
  • The other language of international relations
  • A language that opens up the world
  • A language that is fun to learn

Why is French Desirable For a Career?

Completing a French language program from Henry Harvin improves a student's employment prospects, whether abroad or at home. Speaking French is an excellent advantage in the international job market because it opens doors to French companies like L'Oreal, Renault, Auchan, Chanel, Cartier, and many more.


Is the French Language in Demand?

French is still a prevalent language, with 79.9 million speakers in 29 countries. Around 194.2 million people also speak French as a second language, and it is projected to rise to 750 million by 2050, possibly overtaking English and Mandarin.


Should I Learn German or French Language?

To cut a long story short, it is easier to learn German if you have an aptitude for structure and logical predictability. If you don't mind a minor disorder, learning French is easier. French is typically easier for beginners, though it becomes more difficult as you progress through its intermediate and advanced levels.


What are the Learning Benefits Of the French Language Course Online?

Learning advantages of Henry Harvin’s French Language Course: 

  • Start a Conversation 
  • Discuss habitual behavior and associated memories.
  • Describe your emotions and your present and future desires
  • Get a firm grasp on introductory sentences and word construction.
  • Express your views and argue with others.
  • Discuss and describe past events while expressing uncertainty and likelihood.
  • Create explanations for past events based on your grounds.
  • Acquire a thorough understanding of sophisticated French grammar.

What Are the Key Features of Henry Harvin’s French Language Course?

Henry Harvin offers French Language Training in India with expert trainers. Here are the key features,

  • 56 Hours Course Duration
  • 100% Job Oriented Training
  • Industry Expert Faculties
  • Free Demo Class Available
  • Completed 1200+ Batches
  • Certification 
  • Projects
  • Internships

I Want to Know About the Grammar Syllabus for French Language A1 Course

Henry Harvin will teach you:

  • Nouns – feminine, masculine, singular, plural
  • The verb ‘avoir’ in the present tense
  • Articles – definite and indefinite
  • Adjective agreement in gender and number
  • Verbs in ‘ER’
  • Etre and Avoir
  • Prepositions of place
  • Il y a + Il n’y a pas
  • Word order: sentence/question
  • Key prepositions – à, en, au, etc.
  • Yes/no questions 

Who Will Be Our Trainer For the French Language Course?

Henry Harvin’s mentors are topic specialists who continually enhance their skills to provide the most effective training in a realistic work setting. They have years of experience working with large and multinational corporations. Accredited Industry Experts having a decade or more of expertise in the field. Moreover, our mentors are linked with placement cells of various companies to assist and support students in their search for employment.


Do You Offer Any Exam Pre Classes?

Yes, Henry Harvin provides classes for exam preparation. We have expertise in preparing students for French (DELF, DALF, TEF), German (Goethe Certificate), Spanish (DELE, SIELE), and other examinations. Moreover, One-to-One/Customized Courses can help you prepare for language exams. 


What Courses and Levels Are Offered at Henry Harvin?

Henry Harvin offers ten foreign language courses. Each language has six distinct levels.Begginners level( A1, A2), intermediate level(B1,B2) and advanced level (C1, C2) are the difficulty levels. Each level's duration is 56 hours. 


What is the Most Difficult Aspect of Learning the French Language?

Pointed Pronunciation is the most challenging part. Without a doubt, pronunciation is the most difficult aspect of learning French. Written and spoken French appear to be worlds apart at first, as several rules dictate when certain letters are not pronounced or when words are suddenly compressed.


How Long Does it Take to Progress From A1 to B1 Level in French?

Level A1 Language Study: 56 hours Level A2: Everyday Situations: 56 hours. So it takes 112 hrs to reach the B1 level.


Is DALF Valid For Life?

DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are official qualifications conferred by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language proficiency of candidates from outside France. These certificates are perpetually valid.


Which French Level is Considered Fluent?

C1 and C2 French levels are considered fluent. At these levels, communication is fluent, appropriate, and well-organized; you articulate ideas clearly and coherently in speech.


What Are the Best Apps to Practice the French Language?

Top French apps: 

  • FrenchPod101
  • Pimsleur
  • italki
  • Duolingo
  • Language Transfer
  • Memrise
  • Anki
  • Lingvist

What Are the Requirement to Enrol In a French Course?

Requirements for Henry Harvin’s French course: 

  • This course requires no prior knowledge to begin.
  • This course is recommended for anyone wishing to learn French quickly and effectively.
  • Involvement is the best way to learn a language, so don't worry that it's in French.

Should I Enrol in an Online French Course?

An online course will be beneficial if you are learning French! However, there are several factors you should consider.

For instance, some people work better in a structured classroom, whereas others may thrive working independently and switching between resources.

Most people will find French online courses extremely beneficial: they offer varying degrees of direction, support, and motivation.


What Job Roles Can I Get After Complete French Course?


Fluency in French can be advantageous when looking to establish the following career paths:

  • Teachers
  • Translators
  • Interpreter
  • Travel agents
  • Multilingual proofreader
  • Flight attendants
  • Voice-over artists

Is There a Demand For French Translators?

Some may be surprised to learn that it is also one of the highest-paying languages in the world for translation services. On average, translators and interpreters of the French language who work in the trade and financial services sector can earn up to $38,000 per year.


How Do I Obtain Get a Job As a French Translator?

If you want a career as French Translator, start with:

  • Contact translation companies.
  • Join a professional association for translators.
  • Online translation agencies
  • Look into general freelance marketplaces
  • Examine the prominent job boards
  • Communicate with businesses
  • Join social media communities
  • Develop your brand

Is French Translator Work Simple?

A translator's job is challenging but exciting and rewarding, despite being undervalued.


What is the basic level of French?

A1 is the most basic level or the Beginner level of French language course learning. A person with an A 1 level of french language proficiency, the user can recognize the expressions and fundamental phrases that are used in everyday needs.


What is the C1 level of French?

It's an advanced level of  French CEFR. A C-level person can speak french very fluently and express himself or herself by using very efficient french. 


What is the importance of the French language in India?

It's an international language which is the sixth most spoken language in the world, which opens up many opportunities in India also for French-speaking professionals. And if you a traveller and love to explore the world then learning French can make you experience authentic France native things.

Is French useful for jobs?

Yes for the job purpose learning French can be very useful as it's the official language of 29 countries which opens up international jobs and business opportunities. 


Why is learning French good for your brain?

it's a proven fact after research that learning a new language can lead to better Cognitive development of the brain. Learning a new language can rewire the brain resulting in improved memory, and problem-solving skills of the person. 


Why is French easier to learn?

The vocabulary of French is similar to the English Language which makes it easy to learn especially for persons who have a strong command of the english language.

Can I learn French at any age?

Yes you can learn french at any age. There is no specific age to learn french. Only you should be willing to learn. 


What is the most important thing to learn in French?

The most important thing is understanding the grammar, vocabulary and language basics. Henry Harvin level A1 French language course is a must if you are a new learner. Keep interacting with a trainer and do ask your doubts to have a better understanding. 


What is A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 for French?

A1 is the basic or beginner level where as C2 is the highest or expert level. 

Henry Harvin offers all levels in a French language course in Delhi. 


Is the French language in demand in India?

There is an 80% increase in the job openings demanding french fluency in the last year.


What skills do you gain from learning French?

Studying french will enhance your grammar skills, self-discipline, confidence, and memory also. 


What is the future scope of the French language course in Delhi?

The scope of doing a French language course in Delhi is really very bright. People can knock on the doors of opportunities after becoming a certified french language speaker. You can work as a translator, content writer in the french language, Instructor for teaching the french language and many more profiles. 


How important is it to learn French grammar?

Grammar is the basics of any language. To have a good grip on the french language it's very important to know the grammar of french. 


What are the all exams we can give for the french language?

There are exams like  DLF, DELF, DALF, DCL, & TCF which you can give for the french language.

What does the french tutor cost per hour in Delhi?

On average the french tutor cost per hour in Delhi is Rs.650. Henry Harvin does offer to compete for cost at a very reasonable rate as compared to the per-hour rate. 


How can I learn French?

There are many ways to learn French. You can enrol yourself in Henry Harvin’s French language courses, use language learning software and practice with a language exchange partner.


How do I choose the right French course for me?

When choosing a French course, it is important to consider your learning goals, budget, and schedule. Look for courses that are aligned with your language proficiency level and offer a curriculum that matches your learning style. You may also want to read reviews from previous students or speak with the course provider to learn more about the course content and teaching methods.


Where can I take French classes in Delhi?

Henry Harvin offers online French language courses.  They do offer a postgraduate diploma where you can clear all the levels of the French language. 


How much time it takes to learn French?

The time it takes to learn French varies depending on the learner's starting level, study habits, and goals. Henry Harvin's french language course offers 6 different levels where Levels A 1 and A2 are of 56 hours and the rest levels are of 66 hours. 


whats the eligibility criteria for a French language course?

Anyone who is willing to learn can enrol in a French language course in Delhi. 


What are the career benefits of doing a french language course in Delhi?

You will get exposure to international and national jobs in the area of the French language. Many international brands like Amazon, Google, JP Morgan and many others do hire people with good knowledge and certification in the French language. 


Will I get the certificate after completing the French language course?

yes, after doing Henry Harvin’s french language course in Delhi you will become a certified professional in the French language. 


Is the certificate globally recognised?

Yes, the certificate from Henry Harvin for the french language course in Delhi is recognised by all employers globally. You will get 6 essential certificates for each level if you are a part of the postgraduate course. 


Will this certificate help me in improving my CV or Linkedin profile?

Yes, this globally recognised certificate from Henry Harvin will improve your CV as well as your Linkedin Profile to get better job opportunities.

What complementary modules do we get in the french language course?

You will get soft skill development and resume-building modules as a complementary module which is totally free of cost. 


Will you offer placements after completing the french language course?

Yes, Henry Harvin does offer 100% placement support for the one year after completing the course. 


Will I get assistance for exam preparation?

Yes, Henry Harvin trainers do assist you in getting prepared for the french language exams. 


What experience does the teacher has in teaching a french language course?

Trainers at Henry Harvin for french language courses are industry veterans having 15+ years in this field and have been invited for more than 100 keynote classes.



What topics are covered in the french language course in Delhi?

The Course Syllabus of the french learning course by Henry Harvin depends on the level you get enrolled.Level A 1 includes Explorer la langue means knowing the basics of the language, And then Les Verbes which means knowing about conjugate verbs and making simple sentences. Likewise, La Communication means knowing the basics of basic french communication skills. Similarly, many modules are there in level A1. and all the rest of the levels have different modules. 


How much time should I spend learning French each day?

Apart from the Henry Harvin classes of the french language course, spend some time revising and completing the task given by the trainer. That is sufficient to learn the french language.


How can I improve my French pronunciation?

There are many apps that give you feedback on your pronunciation. Apart from this your trainer of the Henry Harvin french language course will also make you practice french pronunciation during the classes. 


How can I stay motivated when learning French?

By participating in the course class, and interacting with other batch mates you can stay motivated to learn the french language. 


Can I learn French for free?

Yes, there are many free apps available in the market from where you can learn apps. But it's always recommended to learn a new language under the guidance of an expert instructor who can give you feedback also. 


How can I track my progress in learning French?

There would be regular assignments and assessments which help you in tracking your progress in the french learning course. 




How can I learn French if I have a busy schedule?

Henry Harvin offers to choose batch timings according to your busy schedule. That's why enrolling on the french language course with Henry Harvin is the best decision who are having busy schedules. It's a very flexible course program. 


How can I immerse myself in the French language and culture?

Henry Harvin's french language course will help you in becoming a master of the french language. After completing the course you will be able to understand the french culture, french people and their accents also. All these things will help you to get immersed in the french language. 


How can I start learning French?

Enroll in Henry Harvin French language course. Book batch timings and start attending your classes. Start reading study material from your LMS section. Start watching videos in the French language. This will also help in understanding the language accent. 


How can I find French-speaking communities or language exchange partners

Henry Harvin course will bring that platform where you will meet your batch mates of the french learning course and you will be part of the alumni of the language academy. 


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