Kaushal Yuva Samwaad

India’s youth makes up for 65% of its population and plays an important role in the economic growth and development of the nation. This World Youth Skills Day, the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship invites the youth to join in a dialogue and share their ideas, issues and opportunities which could help us strengthen and scale up the existing training programs and improve overall efficiency of the Skill India Mission.

how to participate?
Format of the discussion
  • Date of Samwaad: 8th to 10th July 2019
  • Duration: 1 hour to 2 hours
  • Minimum participants: 20
  • Each center to choose only 1 topic in the form
  • Branding at the venue
    • Banner to be put up the venue.
    • Centers are required to print the banner with their Training Centre logo/ Center Details and install it during the discussion.
    • Printable file of the banner could be downloaded from the microsite here
    • The web files could also be used to create website banners, Facebook & Twitter covers
  • Candidate Nomination (any one trainee) is mandatory* while filling the form
Download Branding Collaterals
Report Submission (Recommendations & Suggestions)
  • Submission of the Recommendations: By 10th July 2019, 6 PM
  • Upload photos of discussion on the microsite (*mandatory)
  • Minimum 2 photos and maximum 5 photos to be uploaded
  • Size of photo not to exceed more than 2 mb
  • Recommendations
    • Maximum 10 recommendations to be submitted per centre
    • Word limit: each recommendation not to exceed 320 characters
  • Candidate Nomination (any one trainee) is mandatory* while filling the form
Recommendation Form
Upload Photos/अपलोड फोटोज

Maximum 2 mb per photo allowed (minimum 2 photos to be uploaded and maximum 5)/मैक्सिमम 2 mb per फोटो अलाउड (मिनिमम 2 फोटोज टू बी उप्लोडेड एंड मैक्सिमम 5)


320 characters allowed only

Publicity of Kaushal Yuva Samwaad
press release
  • Press Release
  • Post the Kaushal Yuva Samwaad, the Training Centres can issue a press release to local media about the event.
  • A draft press release is given here. Customize the release and add your program/ centre details before issuing it to media.
  • Two photographs must be issued with the press release
15th july event, new delhi

Strengthening the Skill Ecosystem

The recommendations received from the participants during the plenary session could become the premise for further improvements in the policy frameworks/implementation plans across various Skill Development programs under the Government of India.

Swachhta Pakhwada entries have been closed. Thank you for your participation and contribution towards Skill Se Sampurn Swachhta.
Swachhta Puruskar Winners Announced.

click here
The deadline for receiving recommendations for Kaushal Yuva Samwaad has been extended till Friday, 12th July – 12 noon.