Message from the COO’s desk
New year greetings and best wishes for a wonderful 2022! I am delighted to share that National Skill Development Corporation is relaunching its monthly newsletter. As we evolve and adapt to newer ways of communicating and disseminating information, especially amid the Covid-19 pandemic, NSDC is resuming its newsletter in a virtual format. The intent is to share spot stories, feature pieces and human-interest articles, highlighting NSDC and its training partners’ impact on people and communities, covering events and updates on the key programs and achievements. It will also focus on overarching trends and messages of our initiatives that we undertake and execute with strategy, dedication and pride.
Speaking of achievements, I would like to mention the launch of an overseas mobility program - TEJAS (Training for Emirates Jobs and Skills), which is targeted to train the youth in India as per global standards and meets the demand of skilled workforce in United Arab Emirates. Another such local-to-global initiative of NSDC, IndiaSkills 2021 National Competition concluded on 10 January, where over 500 candidates participated in 54 skills and over 150 winners were felicitated. IndiaSkills discovers skilled youth from across the country and acts as a gateway to WorldSkills, where the best of 60+ nations compete and showcase their talent. It’s an opportunity to exhibit India’s talent to the world.
I am humbled and feel extremely responsible to lead this organisation when India needs skilled workforce more than ever. The pandemic has put the spotlight on the healthcare sector and, NSDC, through its ‘Customized Crash Course Programme for Covid-19 Frontline Workers in Healthcare’, is striving to create quality, skilled and talented workforce to support our doctors, nurses, and other medical staff.
With the mission of transforming lives of individuals, NSDC will continue to initiate programs that empower the youth, enable them to earn an income and benefit the society at large. We invite our partners to share their good practices and success stories of their trainees which can inspire many others.
Ved Mani Tiwari
Chief Operating Officer
National Skill Development Corporation
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