Under Scheme for Market Led Fee-Based Services
NSDC Non-Funded Affiliation* - Overview
At NSDC, we welcome the collaboration of reputed entities with established credentials that wish to be a part of the "Skill India" and/or "Make in India" missions without requiring funding, seeking instead to be partners. We seek robust proposals that cater to sectors with high growth potential, address unmet needs, and focus on the unorganized sector. These proposals must be outcome-oriented, emphasizing industry placements, self-employment, and entrepreneurship.
For more information, please write to us at or visit us at the NSDC, Kaushal Bhawan, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi – 110023.
Multi Stage Selection Process
Note:- Active Involvement of Government, Industry Leaders & Leaders from Social Sector for approving projects ensuring interest of all stakeholders.
Benefits of Non Funding Partnership
Join the Skill India Mission by becoming NSDC training partner. To know more about the same
Proposals Submission Guidelines
Please use our newly introduced Partner Web Interface link - ( to submit your Partnership Proposal with NSDC.
These Technical & Financial templates are required to be submitted with all proposals along with the declaration.
Draft Agreement
*Each non-funding proposal shall be subject to evaluation and due-diligence process of NSDC for shortlisting and acceptance.
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